We were thrilled to co-sponsor the Foreign Policy Analysis journal and our Center’s publication All-Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy & Peace the 12th Annual Peace Science Conference. The two-day conference, which took place on January 11-12, was organized by our Director of Research, Efe Tokdemir, and hosted by Bilkent University’s IR Department. Organized into eighteen panels, the conference created a convivial scholarly environment for the participants to share their research on Peace and Conflict Studies, IR, Foreign Policy, and Security Studies, employing a wide range of methods.
Our post-doctoral researchers, Onur Erpul and İlker Kalın, also presented their research, respectively titled “Raison de Systeme as the New Raison d’Etat: An English School Approach to Foreign Policy” and “How the Strong Lose Their Wars: The Limits of Material Capabilities in War Outcomes.”