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New book edited by Prof. Aydınlı & Dr. Biltekin

Prof. Ersel Aydınlı, General-Coordinator of CFPPR and Dr. Gonca Biltekin have recently published an edited volume, “Widening the World of International Relations...

An article by CFPPR Fellow on “The role of defence firms in armaments cooperation”

The CFPPR’s post-doctoral fellow Çağlar Kurç and Sibel Oktay’s research article, “Taking Production Relations Seriously: The role of defence firms...

Third E-Workshop, Fourth Session: China and South Africa

On 2 May 2018, the Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research hosted the fourth session of the Third E-Workshop “Defense Industries in the 21st Century: A...

All Azimuth at the ISA Annual Convention

All Azimuth, CFPPR’s journal, sponsored a breakfast at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in San Francisco. The breakfast was organized...